Specialty Training

Available at our Hershey Rd. Location

Take your well-trained pup to the next level with our Specialty Training classes. The prerequisite for most of our Specialty Group Classes is a Manners 1 level class or a good foundation of basic obedience training.

Some of our Specialty group classes advance from one class to the next, such as our Canine Life and Social Skills (C.L.A.S.S) Program, which begins with the Bachelors class, then advances to the Masters level and finally your canine einstein graduates with his PhD!

Dog jumping through a hoop

Agility for FUN!

Trainer: Cheryl Daily or Raquel Neighoff

Our Agility for FUN class introduces you and your dog to the sport of agility in a relaxed, positive, non-competitive atmosphere. You will learn work as a team with your dog. As your dog learns to negotiate jumps, weave poles, tunnels, the dog walk and other obstacles, he will also learn how to listen, focus on your lead, and gain confidence. Your dog will become more alert to your cues both in and out of class, and you will get a fun workout too!

Our Agility for FUN class is a great way to bond with your dog, as well as to help boost his confidence and social skills.

Agility sessions are 6 weeks long and cost $135.00. Space is limited to 6 students per session.



6:30pm - 7:30pm 

Please check back for future dates!


MONDAYS from 6:30pm to 7:30pm

November 4 to December 9

Fit Dog Class Level 1

Trainer: Raquel Neighoff

Fit Dog is a 6-week class dedicated to increase your dog's confidence while challenging them mentally and physically through fitness exercises. Throughout this class, we will work with you and your dog on overall conditioning, improved body awareness, core strength, aerobic exercise, balance, and strength.

This program is based on positive reinforcement training techniques. The course is only for healthy dogs with no significant prior injuries or ongoing conditions.

Fit Dog sessions are 6 weeks and cost $135.00. Space is limited to 8 students per session.


WEDNESDAYS from 6:30pm - 7:30pm 

September 11 to October 16

Dog running an obstacle course
Dogs being trained

Nose Work Class Level 1

Trainer: Raquel Neighoff or Cheryl Daily

Nose Work, a sport that was inspired by the model of working detection dogs, provides companion and sport dogs a joyful outlet for their innate hunting and scenting abilities. Our goal is for you and your dog to have fun, as we work together to build your dog’s confidence, independence, and problem-solving skills. You will learn to observe, listen, and understand what your dog is communicating to you.

Take a step into their world, as you learn to view it from the perspective of your dog’s nose! By participating in Nose Work with your dog, you’re giving him the freedom to express and refine his natural talents, and he’s giving you a glimpse into how he “sees” the world.

Nose Work Level 1 sessions are 6 weeks and cost $135.00. Space is limited to 6 students per session.


WEDNESDAYS from 7:45pm - 8:45pm 

Sept 11 to Oct 16 w/ Raquel Neighoff

Jan 6 to Feb 10 w/Cheryl Daily


Nose Work Class Level 2

Trainer: Cheryl Daily

This class advances the dog’s scent skills taught in the Nose Work Level 1 class and uses Birch scent, as well as increasing the difficulty of searches. Additionally, we introduce techniques and tactics for building a better dog & handler team. One focus of this class is adding birch scent to both container and interior searches.

Dogs and handlers will work on and off leash. Dogs will continue to build confidence and handlers will learn leash handling skills, when to support their dog and when to give space and will continue to learn to read their dogs. This class is for dogs that have completed the Nose Work Level 1 class.

Nose Work Level 2 sessions are 6 weeks and cost $135.00. Space is limited to 6 students per session.


Nose Work Level 2

MONDAYS from 7:45pm - 8:45pm

September 16 to October 21


Nose Work Level 3 
Please check back for an updated schedule!

Dog training
Therapy dog training

Therapy Dog Training Class

Trainer: Cheryl Daily

This course will prepare you and your dog to work as a Therapy Dog team, often visiting the elderly, children, people who are ill or possibly those who have been affected by a natural disaster. Our trainer will help establish an enhanced level of skill to set you and your dog up to be successful in many different environments and situations, and to provide comfort, joy, and the unconditional love that only a dog can.

Many people feel a connection with dogs and the love that they provide, and this has a therapeutic effect on them. Therapy dogs should be calm and well-behaved, so that they do not upset or make anyone uncomfortable. The dog is only half of the equation, a responsible, caring handler is a crucial member of the therapy animal team.

Dogs must be at least 1 year of age and have a solid foundation of obedience skills to qualify for this certification. A suggested prerequisite for this Therapy Dog Class is our 3-level C.L.A.S.S Program (Canine Life and Social Skills).

All Therapy Dog Training sessions are 4 weeks with one on site session and 3 additional offsite observations. This course is $135.00. Space is limited to 10 students per session.


WEDNESDAYS from 6:30pm - 7:30pm

September 25 to October 16

February 24 to March 17


Rally Competition Class

Trainer: Deb Haldeman

This class will focus on the AKC Novice and Intermediate Rally Course Signs to prepare you for competition. It will include learning the signs, focus on attention, loose leash heeling, and offer walk through rally courses. If you are looking for a way to bond with your dog and work as a team, this class is a great opportunity! To compete at an AKC event dogs must be 6 months old and have an AKC registration number. (AKC registration number from breeder or previous owner, AKC Canine Partners for mixed breeds, PAL for purebred dogs ineligible for AKC registration).

Rally Competition Class sessions cost $135.00.


SUNDAYS from 2:15pm - 3:15pm

November 3 to December 8

January 5 to February 2 (5-wk session)

Rally Class

Trick Class

Trainer: Deb Haldeman

This class will focus on the AKC Novice and Intermediate Trick lists and participants can be tested on week six to obtain their AKC titles (TKN and TKI). We will also be introducing other tricks and games during this session. More information on AKC Trick Dog

Trick Class sessions are 6 weeks and cost $135.00.


SUNDAYS from 2:15pm - 3:00pm

Please check back for future dates!


TUESDAYS from 5:30pm - 6:15pm

September 10 to October 15