How To: Pup-tography!

black and brown dogMost people have smartphones these days, which means everyone has the capability to be a photographer in their back pocket! There’s no better way to remember a special occasion or trip than with adorable pictures of your furry friend, but sometimes that’s easier said than done. Want to step up your pup-tography game? Keep reading for tips and tricks to being a pro!

First, always shoot more than you think you’ll need! Nothing is worse than snapping that one “great” photo, just to look back on it later and it’s all a blur. Taking more than one photo can help with this. Most smartphone cameras come with the capability to shoot in shutter mode- where your phone will take multiple photos in a split second. This is the perfect way to ensure you get a good, clear photo of your moving target.

Also, try and shoot in Portrait mode on your phone if you can. This built in setting on most phones is a great hack for stepping up your photo game. It automatically creates that “blurry” background you see in most professional photos, making sure your furry model is the center of attention.

Lighting is everything! When outside, try to position your pup with the sun behind them for your picture. Not only will this help keep their eyes open wider, it may also give you some cool lens flares. When inside, open those curtains! Try and bring in as much natural light as you can. Plus, this allows you to avoid the dreaded flash. Not only does flash create harsh shadows in some cases, it can cause red eyes in the photo and can even be irritating to your furry friend’s eyes as well.

Get low! Getting down to your dog’s level helps create better eye contact in the photos, while also bringing lots of attention to the background. Also, if they are leashed, this gives you a great opportunity to hide that leash behind them and out of frame. If you’re really creative, you can even try hiding the leash under their belly or paws.

Lastly, it’s sometimes hard to get your pup to look at the camera. Using toys, treats, and calling out their name will help with this. Hold the treats or toy right above your phone or camera so your pup makes eye contact with the camera, rather than at your face or hand. Even better, hang onto that squeaker next time your dog tears up a soft toy! They make the perfect attention grabber for photo shoots.

Most importantly, remember that at the end of the day, it’s all about the memories and not just a perfect shot. Sometimes the goofiest pictures are the ones that best summarize the fun times you have with your furry best friend. Happy shooting!